Sunday, February 3, 2008

business blog of a marketing team and leader business blog of a marketing team and leader.

advance marketing is a marketing team, active in construction materials.
though marketing is their main job. they want yet another type of marketing.
that is marketing of their web pages, in web world.
its a general hidden demand of every business that their pages should come within the front lines of search engines.

even a marketing company wont do good in marketing over net. the bottom line i try to drag you to a concept is "the online marketing need specialized people". its not alike the real life marketing. its more of words game, in written format.

then pushing the writeup to the visitors. this technology to push up articles , writeup blog pages, or webpages need seo .
helps you to take your pages to visitors.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Facebook Applications: silliness, spam and spoofs

In our ticklink project ,it is necessary to learn about facebook applications.

Is it just me or have Facebook applications become too damn annoying?


Don't get me wrong. I think Facebook is terrific. I love when someone I know from a past life friends me. Or better yet, I am thrilled when someone who has read my book or heard me speak live connects via Facebook. I've got Facebook friends from all over the world (keep the friends requests coming folks).


As much as I like Facebook, I'm just not into the third party applications thing. I find the applications that require some sort of reply to be particularly annoying. So-and-so wants to "network using business cards" and this one "dedicated a song to you" and that one "asked her friends a question". The problem with these things is that they require action on my part. So I think of them as sort of spam-like. Sure it only takes a moment to click the ignore button, but these things seem a little outside the scope of Facebook, at least the way that I am using it.

Am I being overly harsh?

There are now 4,500 Facebook Applications, the vast majority developed by people who do not work for Facebook. In fact, this is a very hot area for Venture Capitalists to put money these days. There are sites that review and recommend applications. It's all very new and we're all learning as we go. But I predict a backlash against some of the more annoying applications.

Facebook is great for connecting. But I don’t see it as a game. I don't really want to know "What My Stripper Name Is" (Note, if you're actually a stripper, this switches to "What's Your Internetweb Geek Name") and I don’t want to use BoozeMail to "Send your friends a drink (or even a round of drinks) on Facebook." Although, I must admit I'm rather intrigued by NaughtyGirls "Get Naughty. Send very naughty gifts and very naughty messages to all of your friends."

And here's something really creepy to really gum up the works. Today I got a Facebook Application spoof email. It looked exactly like a typical Facebook request email, but when I moused over the URL, it was some dodgy address somewhere, not Facebook. Ugh.

Just when we figured out how to deal with comment spam and trackback spam, we’ve got to deal with Facebook app spam.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

online bookmarking.

i never knew that such online bookmarking service like,

really works for me.
i was comfortable and happy with my browser bookmarks.

nearly 3 years back, i was working for a large scale web development project. i was off from my desk. here in egen we work in a very friendly and no secure mood.
that is the desktops or laptops are not user/ pass word protected.
we do sit each other working panels.

so there was some one else worked on the same desk. when i came back to my desk after couple of hours, i found there a new browser is running. and the old one taken off.

i was in deep ditch. when i asked them that it was good to install a new one, but whats wrong to keep the old one there?

they started explained me like- 'when you got the better one, why to use older ?
well its better said. but the thing was i lost all my saved book marks on that browser.

from then i started book marking all my necessary web references online.
now when ever i think of book marking any site for further use, i do it online.

keep your favorite, site links available from any place. solution is chose bookmarking online for you. chose as your reference keeper for you.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tick Your link here


This is a social bookmarking site where you publish your link and vote them. This site is specially made for bloggers who promote blogs here. It is a platform of blog marketing. You are welcome here to join free and add your all link of your website.

The advantages of ticklink:

1.If you want to promote your site, your real platform is We insure many unique visitors from here. You will get benefit to post here and vote here.

2.Ticklink is a online news publications where you find recent news of technology,celebrity,games and sports.

3.Ticklink is recently entered the web marketing industry with fully experienced web marketing team.

4.Ticklink now offers you to publish all kinds of recent news in the world. So you find your update news here.